Kids Megan Ernst Kids Megan Ernst

Strawberry Lemonade

LCC kids discovered this yummy and refreshing recipe made with local strawberries last summer. You can try it at home. Hurry! the strawberries won't last for much longer. Last summer the kids made a batch to share with their families for one of our special gatherings. We encourage you to make a batch to gift to someone, because we found that it was that much sweeter when we shared it!


  • 1 cup white sugar

  • 1 cup water (for simple syrup)

  • 1 cup fresh squeezed lemon juice (about 8 lemons)

  • 2-3 cups cold water 1

  • -2 cups fresh strawberries cut in half



Step one: make the simple syrup by combining one cup sugar and one cup water in a saucepan. Simmer until sugar is completely dissolved. Remove from heat and allow it to cool. When syrup is cool place in a jar for use later in the lemonade.

Step two: juice those lemons!! Squeeze out as much as you can. Too good to not get it all!

Step three: combine your simple syrup, fresh squeezed lemon juice and water to a big jar or pitcher. Start with 2 cups of water and if the lemonade seems to tart add a bit more water til your taste buds agree with the flavor!

Step four: add the fresh cut berries to the finished lemonade. So beautiful!

lemonade 4.jpg

Time to taste the yummy lemonade!

MMMMM! It’s so delish and refreshing on a hot summer day.

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Kids Megan Ernst Kids Megan Ernst

Exploring Eggshells

This is a fun activity if you’re doing a lot of cooking and baking at home. Save your eggshells for a while. Rinse them out with hot water and let dry. Then stick them in your sensory bin or another large, shallow container. That’s it!

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Kids Megan Ernst Kids Megan Ernst

DIY Sensory Table!

DIY sensory table! You don't need a real sensory table to actually provide great sensory experiences for your kiddos! Here's a couple of ways Cassie, LCC Crib Teacher, improvised in her house (photos from snow days past). Any type of shallow tub or container works great. And what a great way to use this freshly fallen snow 😜

You can fill it with water, snow, sand, beans, corn kernels, rice, etc. Add measuring cups, spoons, small plastic animals, cars, diggers, tractors, water colors (just mix water and food coloring), little people...there are endless options!

Cassie chose a space that had a water resistant surface such as the kitchen counter/bar if you have one or a tiled/wood area of flooring. If you are worried about the mess, lay down a bedsheet or a few towels for an easy clean up. Sensory tables are messy, but that's the whole point! 😄

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