DIY Sensory Table!

DIY sensory table! You don't need a real sensory table to actually provide great sensory experiences for your kiddos! Here's a couple of ways Cassie, LCC Crib Teacher, improvised in her house (photos from snow days past). Any type of shallow tub or container works great. And what a great way to use this freshly fallen snow 😜

You can fill it with water, snow, sand, beans, corn kernels, rice, etc. Add measuring cups, spoons, small plastic animals, cars, diggers, tractors, water colors (just mix water and food coloring), little people...there are endless options!

Cassie chose a space that had a water resistant surface such as the kitchen counter/bar if you have one or a tiled/wood area of flooring. If you are worried about the mess, lay down a bedsheet or a few towels for an easy clean up. Sensory tables are messy, but that's the whole point! 😄

Megan Ernst

I’m a website, marketing, and social media consultant that specializes in working with non-profits. I live and work in northern Michigan.


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