Homemade Butter - Some Scrumptious Science!

I love butter!  It is one of the most delicious things I can think of.  I do a lot of baking and I always use butter.  But did you know that you can make your own butter at home?  It’s true!  And it’s science!

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This experiment requires only two ingredients.

Yup! That’s it. Just two! You will need:
- Heavy whipping cream
- Glass Jar with a lid

The first step is pouring the cream in the jar. Fill about half way full. Get your lid on nice and tight. Don’t forget or you will have MESS!

Now here’s where the fun and the science begin. Somehow the heavy cream has to turn into butter, right? But how? Should you ask it nicely? Give it a little smooch? NO! You have to shake it up! And shake and shake and shake and shake...

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Magical things are beginning to happen!

The cream started out liquid and white. Take a couple peeks inside the jar as you shake. Do you see any changes happening? What about the sound in the jar? And what about the color?

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After about 10 minutes of shaking you should notice a separation between the solid butter and the liquid left in the bottom. That liquid is called buttermilk. It’s really light and sweet. Give it a taste! Pour the butter milk off and put your fresh butter in a dish. That’s it. BUTTER!

I added a pinch of salt and some maple syrup to my butter. Other additions could include honey or brown sugar. Be adventurous! Sit back and nibble some toast topped with your scrumptious science!

Xoxo Sara Tall

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Megan Ernst

I’m a website, marketing, and social media consultant that specializes in working with non-profits. I live and work in northern Michigan.


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