Fox Island Fun with letters and sounds

Fox Island teachers, Sara and Nora, share two fun and simple activities for letter recognition and learning letter sounds.

Same Sound Sort Game

• Invite your child to join you in a sound sorting game.  Explain that you have several objects in a bag/box and you need to group those with names that begin with the same sound. You can gather items from around the house or gather a nature collection from outside.

• Have your child sort the objects according to the beginning sounds of the objects names.

• It is helpful to write out the letters that you are hearing on pieces of paper, great for letter recognition, and to help with sorting.

sort game.jpg

Clothespin Letter Match

Materials: clothespins, cardstock or paper, Sharpie or other markers

Write one letter on each clothespin. Depending on how many you have, you can do the whole alphabet, or simply the letters in certain names or words. Write your child’s name on a piece of paper – cardstock or other thick paper works best – and put the letter clothespins in a basket or bowl. Have fun with your child picking out clothespins and matching them to the letters in their name. Expand the activity as desired with other names, familiar words, or words that your child is interested in. You could even look for words in your environment, for example pieces of mail, food boxes, or the covers of books.

Megan Ernst

I’m a website, marketing, and social media consultant that specializes in working with non-profits. I live and work in northern Michigan.


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