Making Carrot Fries on Tasty Tuesday

One of our LCC Kitchen favorites - Carrot Fries! These are so simple to make and kids can help by peeling the carrots, choosing what herbs and spices to add, and painting the carrots with oil for baking.


#1 carrot sticks (slice baby carrots in half lengthwise)
2 TB olive oil
1 pinch pink or kosher sea salt
Spice (thyme, herb blend, chili powder, Italian herbs, cinnamon, curry, or tarragon are some great spices that work great!)

First smell your spices and together choose how to flavor your carrots. Preheat oven to 400°

Mix your salt, spices and olive oil in a small bowl. Lightly spray baking sheet with oil. Arrange carrots in a single layer. Using a pastry brush paint the carrots.

Cook for 30 minutes. Remove from oven and turn carrots over. Return to oven for 15- 30 minutes. Some prefer them simply roasted while others prefer a longer cooking time and the carrot fries become carmelized. Serve as a snack or a side dish. Enjoy!

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Megan Ernst

I’m a website, marketing, and social media consultant that specializes in working with non-profits. I live and work in northern Michigan.


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